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Human element is irreplaceable in robot era

COVID-19 has caused the labor market to change faster than expected. World Economic Forum indicates that what used to be considered the “future of work” has already arrived. Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses Big Data Analytics, Machine & Deep Learning etc. will be the next revolution. Reason being AI is everywhere or at the center when we talk about Robotic Process Automation.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems already help us with everything from vacuuming, grocery shopping, driving cars, cutting the grass, keep your home secure and booking appointments. Machines that can learn, make decisions and automate tasks are already part of our lives. Modern-day robots are how AI physically interacts with us, and the world around us. Although some robots resemble humans, most do not and are instead specifically designed to autonomously carry out complex tasks.

Kids play with educational robots at school, where they learn to code, and compete in robot design teams that culminate in exciting international competitions. Robots are also appearing in our hospitals, promising to help us fight the COVID-19 pandemic and performing other health-care tasks in safer and more efficient ways.

Robots now deliver food in Milton Keynes town, England, tote supplies in a Dallas hospital, disinfect patients’ rooms in China and Europe, and wander parks in Singapore, nagging pedestrians to maintain social distance. In Japan, by 2025, more than 80% of elderly care would be done by robots, not caregivers. This will not only increase efficiency but also give us ample time and energy to focus only on core tasks that require human intelligence.

More than 80% of business executives are accelerating plans to digitize work processes and deploy new technologies; and 50% of employers are expecting to accelerate the automation of some roles in their companies. Already, robots take inventory and clean floors in Walmart. Also, they shelve goods and fetch them for mailing in warehouses. Robots cut lettuce and pick apples and even raspberries. They help autistic children socialize and stroke victims regain the use of their limbs. Even borders patrolling is done by them. Robots arrange flowers, perform religious ceremonies, do stand-up comedy, and serve as sexual partners.

“COVID-19 has accelerated the arrival of the future of work,” said Saadia Zahidi, Manging Director, World Economic Forum.

By 2025, employers will divide work between human and machines equally. Roles that leverage human skills will rise in demand. Machines will be primarily focused on information and data processing. Administrative tasks and routine manual jobs for white- and blue-collar positions.

The invasion of computers over the last 25 years has improved the quality of life of man and other living beings. Therefore, the invasion of robots will further improve the quality of life of humans and the other living beings. Robots are and will remain machines; science fiction movies of Hollywood are one thing and everyday reality is quite another thing. Men will have much more time to devote themselves to intellectual work.

The robotic revolution seems to be interesting and cost-effective yet, the humanistic element will remain forever- The truth is that the 'human' element is irreplaceable.

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